Saturday, August 30, 2008

Exercise 16 Zoho Writer

I'm creating this blog entry on Zoho Writer just to test out some of the features.

Can it add photos?
What are the colour features like?

The toolbar is very like MS Word and the application seems very user friendly and comprehensive. Even the Spellchecker allows you to choose English (NZ) as an option. Also the standard keyboard shortcuts are working for me.

I can see that this site could be very useful. If it is as portable and accessible as it claims it would solve a lot of those problems when patrons come into the library and are unable to open their documents on our public access PCs because they have created the document at home using MS Vista and Word 2007 and we are still operating on Windows XP and Word 2003! Well, if they know about Zoho Writer that is!

Ok - above is just the copy /paste version of my wonderful full colour illustrated document. When I tried to publish the real document to this blog, Zoho Writer repeatedly gave the message "Unable to connect your blog. Username or password may be incorrect". I'm obviously doing something wrong! Will check with the 23 things experts on Monday!

Monday 1st Sept: This was very frustrating - Zoho still will not allow me to post to my blog. I have saved the document, clicked on publish, chosen the correct blog, user name, password etc. Several of us have looked at this and we just can't work it out!

1 comment:

NSL Training Support Team said...

Instructions on how to export Zoho documents to your blog have been posted as a comment on the Exercise blog.