Saturday, August 30, 2008

Exercise 15 - Rollyo

Well, all I can say about this is thank goodness for the instructions from 23 things on how to add Rollyo to your blog! I don't think I would have managed without them.

I have added the Rollyo widget thingy but to be honest I think I don't think I will use it much! I suppose I am now very much into the information literacy way of thinking and keen on evaluating and exploring new websites as I find them. Rollyo is good but I can see that it might trap you into using the same sites over and over without the need to go on discovering. Since the web is constantly changing and expanding, new and better sites are being produced all the time (and old favourites disappear with the same frequency). As librarians I think we are all skilled in using the appropriate search terms to find that valuable piece of information on a particular website again if necessary. And if we can't, well another one will be along soon!

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